Executive Committee
Chair - Bruce Russell
First Vice Chair - Tyler Lester
Second Vice Chair - John Dumler
Third Vice Chair - Jenny Nichols
Treasurer - Debra Atwell
Secretary - Catherine Brewster
District Chairs
Harrison District - David Millsap
Jefferson District - George Price
Madison District - Caleb Cruey
Monroe District - Tyler Lester
Taylor District - Travis Proffitt
Tyler District - Steven Statzer
Wilson District - John Seaborn
Join us!
The Washington County Republican Party promotes Republican values to our members and throughout our community by supporting Republican candidates in their election campaigns, and otherwise promoting our Party and our values. Our membership consists of members who are registered voters in Washington County and who agree with the principles of the Republican Party. Download our application and Join Us today!
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Why should I become a part of the Washington County Republican Party (WCRP)?
- If you believe:
- That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice
- That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society
- That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government
- That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations
- That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense
- That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation
- And/or if there is/are any other reason or reasons you support the Republican Party of Virginia and our candidates for office, then your should join us! There is plenty of room in “The Big Tent” of the GOP for all who share our values!
- What is the Washington County Republican Party (WCRP)?
- The Washington County Republican Party is the local unit of the Republican Party of Virginia.
- The Washington County Republican Party is the local unit of the Republican Party of Virginia.
- Who controls the WCRP?
- You do. The Chairman sets the overall agenda, with the advice of the Executive Committee. Although we are bound by state party rules in the Republican Party of Virginia Plan in addition to our own local party plan, we are entirely self-governing. The membership votes on amendments to the Party Plan, approves the budget and the operations plan, and takes other votes as necessary. The WCRP is a grassroots organization and ultimately belongs to those Republican voters in Washington County who become members. THIS PARTY IS YOUR PARTY!
- What are my obligations as a member?
- Your only specific obligations as a member are to support the Party’s nominees for office and attend meetings. However, our Party can only be as successful as our members work for it to be. Any contribution you can make is appreciated, and the more you help with registering voters, volunteering to spread our message, and supporting our candidates in any way you are able helps us the advance the Republican cause.
- Your only specific obligations as a member are to support the Party’s nominees for office and attend meetings. However, our Party can only be as successful as our members work for it to be. Any contribution you can make is appreciated, and the more you help with registering voters, volunteering to spread our message, and supporting our candidates in any way you are able helps us the advance the Republican cause.
- Does the Washington County Republican Party receive any funds from the Republican National Committee or from the Republican Party of Virginia?
- No. WCRP is entirely self-funded through membership dues, fundraisers, and individual contributions from concerned citizens who want to be involved and support Republican efforts right here in Washington County and Southwest Virginia. We occasionally participate in joint events that may be wholly or partially funded by the RNC or RPV, but we are responsible for all other expenses.
- No. WCRP is entirely self-funded through membership dues, fundraisers, and individual contributions from concerned citizens who want to be involved and support Republican efforts right here in Washington County and Southwest Virginia. We occasionally participate in joint events that may be wholly or partially funded by the RNC or RPV, but we are responsible for all other expenses.
- Does any of the WCRP leadership receive payment?
- No. All of our leaders are unpaid volunteers.
- No. All of our leaders are unpaid volunteers.
- Does the WCRP have an office?
- No. We are actively looking for suitable and affordable space.
- No. We are actively looking for suitable and affordable space.
- Does the WCRP offer training?
- Yes. We schedule training sessions for precinct captains, precinct volunteers, and poll watchers at various times during the year.
- Yes. We schedule training sessions for precinct captains, precinct volunteers, and poll watchers at various times during the year.
- Is the WCRP associated with any other Republican groups?
- Yes. The WCRP operates as a local “unit” within the Republican Party of Virginia. The WCRP also works with the leadership and members of affiliated groups such as the Young Republicans.
- The term “unit” refers to a county or city Republican organization that exists to provide support for local elections and their candidates. Units are grouped in their respective Congressional District Committees (currently Congressional Districts 1 thru 11). District Committees in turn report to the statewide Republican Party of Virginia (RPV). The governing body of RPV is called the State’s Central Committee (SCC).
- How often and where are meetings held?
- Party rules require that we meet once a quarter. The Chairman schedules meetings based on the business needs of the WCRP, and we typically meet two months out of three. To make the meetings reasonably convenient for everyone, locations are rotated, generally in the central part of the County.
- The date and location of each meeting is announced at least ten days in advance. Announcements are made via mailed postcards and email. Meeting dates and locations are also posted on the WCRP website, Facebook page and Twitter account. We almost always meet in a public school facility because of the low cost and the need for seating for several hundred people.
- Meetings are almost always held on a weeknight. Members sit with other members from their Magisterial District, which creates a great opportunity to get to know other Republicans from your part of the county.
- What happens at WCRP meetings?
- Members receive reports on the various activities of the Committee. They hear from candidates, elected officials and others who are working on behalf of the Party or affiliated organizations. They learn about upcoming grassroots events and volunteer opportunities. They vote on the budget, the operations plan, and other matters that require the approval of the entire Committee membership.
- Members receive reports on the various activities of the Committee. They hear from candidates, elected officials and others who are working on behalf of the Party or affiliated organizations. They learn about upcoming grassroots events and volunteer opportunities. They vote on the budget, the operations plan, and other matters that require the approval of the entire Committee membership.
- How long are the meetings?
- Times vary, but we try to conduct our business as efficiently as possible. Meetings could take a half hour or more, and rarely will they hit the two hour mark. We are mindful of the value of your time, and we try very hard to adjourn the meetings in a timely fashion so that members can get home at a reasonable hour.
- How do I volunteer?
- Contact us! There is always plenty to do in our “coalition of the willing.” It has been said that you don’t go to war with the army you want, but with the army you have. Our members are our army, and we need as much help from every individual soldier as each can provide! The more troops we have on the ground, the more we can do to help elect Republican candidates and promote Conservative values.